How often do Newcastle score 3 or more goals in Premier League games?

The table below shows how many times Newcastle scored 3, 4 or 5+ goals in a game since the 2001/02 season.

Average = how many times each event usually occurs within a season.

Season 3 Goals 4 Goals 5+ Goals League Position
01/02 11 4 1 4
02/03 3 1 1 3
03/04 7 2 0 5
04/05 3 1 0 14
05/06 7 2 0 7
06/07 5 0 0 13
07/08 5 1 0 12
08/09 3 0 0 18
10/11 2 2 3 12
11/12 5 0 0 5
12/13 4 1 0 16
13/14 0 0 0 12
Average 5.0 1.3 0.5

Based on the above table we can see on average Newcastle score:

3 goals in a game 5 times during the course of a season.

4 goals in a game once per season.

5+ goals in a game has only occurred 5 times since 2001/02 with 2010/11 being an anomaly where 5+ goals were scored on 3 separate occasions.

(Note; 3 goals = scoring no more than 3 in a game – e.g. 3-1 win)
